Cannabinoids: What's All the Buzz About?
Cannabinoids and Skin Care Cannabinoids have been gaining a lot of attention in recent research and are becoming a popular ingredient in skin care products. Around 1 in 10 people use various forms of cannabinoids for medical reasons. So, what makes them so intriguing? What are Cannabinoids? Cannabinoids are non-psychoactive compounds found in the cannabis plant, specifically derived from Cannabis sativa. These compounds do not induce a "high" but offer various health benefits. For more information on how cannabinoids can benefit your skin, consult with our doctors at Kanyaa Skin and Hair Clinic. Cannabinoids and the Human Body The human body has a complex system known as the endocannabinoid receptor system (ECS), which includes cannabinoid receptors and enzymes. Endocannabinoids, naturally produced in our bodies, are found in hair follicles and certain skin layers. They bind to these receptors, and studies suggest that the ECS plays a crucial role in maintaining skin balanc...